
Showing posts from November, 2018

Review - Sparkling Passions - Pleaser Stripper Heels

I was scrolling through ESTY a number of months ago and came across the very talented Sparkling Passions. A company who customises what I shall call Stripper Heel with a stilleto of 6 inches and above. I was absolutely intrigued by this company and it wasn't long after spotting Sparkling Passions that I decided I needed my own pair of Stripper Heels. Before I knew it I was messaging the owner of Sparkling Passions requesting to have my very on pair of personalised pleaser heels. Soon enough I received an email back showing me a number of options including options for a payment plan. Honestly I was a little nervous but I was guided through the whole process in the end I decided to go for a pair of heels which would match my new Morgana Femme Couture Corset (see my review here I had set my heart of an pair of Eight Inch Pleaser Heels which are popular. I was quite nerv...

Review - Biscuit Couture - Thongs and G-String

From the beginning of January 2018 I have been on the search for a Lingerie Designer who would be willing to embark on a project designing a set of Thongs and G-Strings which had the same quality and feel as their woman counterparts however were made with a male figure in mind. After a few false starts I discovered Biscuit Couture, who is run by one very talented lady. She was used to working with a range of clients and was comfortable and confident in dealing with lots of different requests. Upon speaking to Biscuit Couture for the first time she really took down lots of detail and soon provided me with some very unique designs and ideas. Biscuit Couture is an independent Lingerie Company which designs and creates Lingerie which is personalised for the individual. She is a very talented individual who is very dedicated to delivering the highest standard of work possible which makes her rather unique. As both myself and Biscuit Couture decided that this would be a long ter...

Review - Morgana Femme Couture - Teal Overbust Corset

I absolutely love Corsets and for my 24th Birthday, this year I decided that I wanted to order my very own Corset which was handcrafted solely for me. I became enchanted with an Underbust Corset I spotted online which featured black piping with the primary colour being teal. I absolutely fell in love with this corset and soon fired off an email asking Morgana Femme Couture if they could create a corset in the same colours but in an overbust style. I soon discovered that this corset was going to burn a huge hole in my pocket but I was given a number of options to pay over a period of time.and so over the course of three months I paid for my brand new addition which was set to arrive just after my Birthday. Although I was not heavily involved in the process I was required to sent precise measurements of my body so that my new corset would be fitted to my body shape. It was such a special experience knowing that a corset was being made just for me. I was given a numb...

Review - Oz Bondage - 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gag

I clearly remember the very first time I ever saw a 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gag. I cannot tell you how I came across the Aussie Bondage website however once I found it I was intrigued by what I later discovered was a 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gag. I was determined to one day own a 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gag from Oz Bondage. It took until February 2015 to build up my courage to order a simple single strap Ball Gag which I ordered with a two inch ball however I was soon messaging Melissa to order a 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gag. As the order took quite a while to create I ordered a Locking Ring Gag off Melissa too. It took quite a while to recieve my very first order however I remember the excitement and anticipation as I picked up my very first order which was in a small cardboard box. I opened the box and was instantly amazed by the quality of these gags as a matter of fact I soon ordered a Locking Harness Ball Gag. Upon trying the gag I wa...

Review - Vawn and Boon - PVC Votex Catsuit

I remember finding Vawn and Boon for the very first time and feeling as though I had hit the jackpot. I never had much of an interest in PVC or Latex Clothing however finding Vawn and Boon changed that view totally. I had previously placed an order for a Vawn and Boon Black PVC Overbust Corset and I was blown away by shininess and quality of my new acquisition. Over the course of the next few months I kept checking Vawn and Boons page looking specifically at their PVC Catsuits. I was trying to resist my temptations to order their top range PVC Catsuit known as The Votex Catsuit. Just to make clear The Vortex Catsuit has been solely designed and crafted by Vawn and Boon and is their top line Catsuit and that is something that comes across in each of Vawn and Boons products. I had ordered my Catsuit just as I was due to go on a two week holiday abroad and so I had the extra wait and anticipation of receiving this wonderful item. Up until this point I had never even w...

Review - Restricted Senses - 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags and Blindfold

Hello Blog Followers! I've been meaning to write this review for a very long time!  Today I am going to review my 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags which are made and produced by Restricted Senses. Quality Harness Ball Gags are really hard to get and so the journey of finding a quality Harness Ball Gag can be tough. I discovered Restricted Senses in 2017 and on Sunday 25th June 2017 that I created an order for two 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags. Restricted Senses are unique in the fact that they create 'Harness' Ball Gags with a number of customisable options for example colour of the leather straps, colour and size of ball and finally colour of metal and attachments.  As mentioned earlier I ordered two 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags.  The first of my 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags were ordered in a classic style of Black Lambskin Leather with a huge two inch red ball. The quality of this gag is incredible, first of al...

Reflections on 'Trainer' Harness Ball Gags

I can't say that I'm that adventurous in my interests however I have recently discovered something which intrigues me......... Harness Ball Gags.  Now for those who don't know a Harness Ball Gag is essentially something that is designed to keep you quiet.  However Harness Ball Gags are significant to me as they represent some of my feelings in a physical form. Within my social circle very few individuals know about Lottie and I can count on one hand the people I can talk to about my worries and issues with Lottie. Wearing a Harness Ball Gag had for me put into a physical form the way I feel, that part of me is Lottie but I cannot talk or reveal her due to the consequences. Recently my thoughts have been focused on acceptance and how we live in a society that is quick to judge. Harness Ball Gags represent a freedom for me almost an opportunity to not be in control and to stop worrying and to enjoy the experience that is being created.. I have had the privi...


Why? Its a question I ask myself constantly, Why do I want to dress as Lottie? The truth is a confusing spectrum of thoughts and responses. Lottie isn't a fetish, nor a fantasy. Lottie for me is a happy zone which I can escape to. When describing Lottie I think of her as a character. I guess it is similar to the process an actor uses to prepares a character for a TV programme. I love being able to transform into something completely different which allows me to explore the world from a slightly different perspective and mindset. My very first moments as Lottie happened only recently in late January 2017. That experience of transformation was an eye opening experience and one which has made me a better individual. Beyond that point I had very little knowledge or experience and in honesty, had rather a judgemental view of myself. Lottie was an individual I didn't fully understand and therefore was something which I believed was wrong. I guess you could say that I exp...

Who Am I?

We live in a world where gender boundaries are constantly being challenged. They continue to confuse, challenge and inspire me. So 'Who Am I' and how do I try to accept myself?  I'm a man, I'm a graduate and in full time employment however I'm also a lady called Lottie! Crazy right? Since setting up a Twitter Account and have the support of so many individuals and followers I have had a burning desire to explore this world further and so here lies the creation of my blog detailing this journey. Welcome to Lottie's world!